Sunday, May 29, 2016

Corpus Christi Sunday, Lisieux

After a L O N G sleep, Hilary and I met Srs. Christine and Marie Jo arriving at the retreat center, helped them stuff folders and then made a desperate foray for coffee. The first shop we stopped at was a bar/coffee/horse-betting place. Leave it to the Reno-ite to find a gambling joint for coffee! We found another place in a French bakery that held the promise of goodies along with the coffee!

Arriving back at the monastery we found a group of people setting up an outdoor space for the reception of the Blessed Sacrament from the Basilica later that day. They created a 'carpet' of crosses using what appeared to be colored grass/hay which several women arranged for hours. Life-size figurines of the Martin family were placed along-side the pathway. Therese here is the baby!

Visiting the monastery chapel later in the afternoon we discovered they were having exposition for most of the day.
see (chapel photos
L & R)
The tomb of St. Therese is just to the right of the chapel and all day long people come to make a visit there. Today we saw 2 little girls come in who had just made their first communion...little white dresses and crowns of flowers...future St. Thereses? 
The opening Eucharist was celebrated in the Monastery Chapel ...

followed by dinner...
Thanks to Claudette's determined coaching, Hilary has been heroically making out in French while Claire's jaw hangs low in amazement! Congratulations, Claudette!
We're in Europe. The first meeting session started at 8:30pm. Pray for us now and at the hour of....

Bonne Nuit from the 2 US Zombies! 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Claire and Hilary,
    So many fond memories of the last meeting in Lisieux and the place and the wonderful hospitality of the community and all the sisters in the federation. Please give them my best regards and pass pass on my promise of prayer for a very successful meeting for all of you. With Love, Marie-Louise
